Laurie Kennedy, LCSW is a seasoned licensed Clinical Social Worker who has practiced psychotherapy for 25 years.
She received :
University of Massachusetts B.S.
Columbia University M.S.W.
She has worked in inpatient psychiatric hospitals, partial hospital programs, psychotherapy group practices and in independent private practice.
Prior work experiences have included that of Chief Clinical Social Worker at the Yale Psychiatric Institute and Clinical Supervisor at the University of Connecticut Partial Hospital Program.
- Fee is $150 for a 50 minute psychotherapy session.
- Fee is $175 for EMDR 75 minute session
Laurie Kennedy, LCSW has advanced training in :
- Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Object Relations Therapy
- Critical Incident Stress Debriefing
- Imago Couples Therapy
- Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy
- Dialetical Behavioral Therapy
- EMDR Trauma Therapy
* PA Licensed Clinical Social Worker
* Member of National Association of Social Workers
* Diplomate in Clinical Social Work
* Fellow in the Pennsylvania Society for Clinical Social Work